“All That Remains Is Love - Radiant Love”
I’ve spent so much time with this painting over the past few weeks and I’ve honestly fallen in love with its energy. It’s built on several other hearts that weren’t quite ready. The end result is a story so full of life and color that it’s impossible not to feel SOMETHING when you are near it.
Available through message or email. Or go to my website and schedule a visit to my new gallery in Thorntown, IN.
36”x36” acrylics, latex, and spray paints.
“All That Remains Is Love - Radiant Love”
I’ve spent so much time with this painting over the past few weeks and I’ve honestly fallen in love with its energy. It’s built on several other hearts that weren’t quite ready. The end result is a story so full of life and color that it’s impossible not to feel SOMETHING when you are near it.
Available through message or email. Or go to my website and schedule a visit to my new gallery in Thorntown, IN.
36”x36” acrylics, latex, and spray paints.
“All That Remains Is Love - Radiant Love”
I’ve spent so much time with this painting over the past few weeks and I’ve honestly fallen in love with its energy. It’s built on several other hearts that weren’t quite ready. The end result is a story so full of life and color that it’s impossible not to feel SOMETHING when you are near it.
Available through message or email. Or go to my website and schedule a visit to my new gallery in Thorntown, IN.
36”x36” acrylics, latex, and spray paints.