“Remember - Evening Sky” 48”x48” Original Painting


“Remember - Evening Sky”


When you try something new, it doesn’t always work out like you thought it would. Especially not right away. Good things take time. And new good things often take a lot of time. They need to develop and mature.


The response may not be there immediately. And in truth, it might never come. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t keep after it. Creating from your heart. With honesty and authenticity. Those are the stories people want to hear. And that is the art that you need to make.


That’s what’s on my heart with this new series I have created - “Morning Sun and Evening Sky” - Each painting speaks to the truth that taking risks is both terrifying and beautiful. And that we find ourselves through the journey.




Hand typed original poem.

Acrylics, latex, spray paints, and various other types of artistic mediums.

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“Feel This Life - Wild Rhythm” 48”x24” Original Painting